
White Tiger Dojo

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An Opposing Force > Generational Depression

Babies are DNA-coded blank slates at life. They are rapidly growing data points in a reality video game (called Life), and what they experience will shape their lives. Some will be crack babies who lose their fathers to the system, eventually ending in foster care where they experience the cruelties of life that no person should experience. As a result, they become hardened individuals. Other babies will be born into family units with an abundance of love and stability. These babies will have...

People who like BBLs or get them tend to be ratchet. That's the general first impression of most people anyway. Some of you might disagree, but I am here to set you straight. Outliers do matter but because of the first impression bias, it might be something you want to avoid. What is a BBL? Short for Brazilian Butt Lift, BBLs have become a trend within the last decade as beauty standards shifted from athletic to thick. The procedure for a BBL involves transferring fat from different areas of...